The estates of Galthamar: Dueren

This estate description is part of a short series of posts on the people and society of my homebrew setting, Galthamar. Ideals, self-portrait A Duer is professional and practical, strong and sturdy, trustworthy and true. Dueren cultivate skill and expertise in whatever they do, be it craft, business or other occupation. Whether rich or poor,… Continue reading The estates of Galthamar: Dueren

The estates of Galthamar: Eltheren

This estate description is part of a short series of posts on the people and society of my homebrew setting, Galthamar. Edit: I’ve tweaked my Galthamar race posts, especially this and the Gobelin one, to reduce the amount of appearance prejudice. I once included this idea because it felt true to Galthamar’s inspirations in history… Continue reading The estates of Galthamar: Eltheren

The estates of Galthamar: Holbits

This estate description is part of a short series of posts on the people and society of my homebrew setting, Galthamar. Ideals, self-portrait A Holbit is industrious and family-oriented, honest and true, hospitable and courteous. They follow steady ways of life, such as agriculture, handicrafts and long-contract employment. Holbit culture is traditional and modest, with… Continue reading The estates of Galthamar: Holbits

The Estates of Galthamar: Highmen

This estate description is part of a short series of posts on the people and society of my homebrew setting, Galthamar. Ideals, self-portrait A Highman is tall and noble, strong and brave, just and decorous. Raised to be warriors, Highmen are the protectors of the land and its people, and therefore the rulers and holders… Continue reading The Estates of Galthamar: Highmen

Galthamar and its -verse: common human characteristics

Humans in the Galthamar-verse are fundamentally similar to those in the real world, and some could blend in here. Many others, however, would be noticeably different. Sex and gender As in reality, most humans are physically male or female, with distinctive and functionally complementary reproductive organs, though some have organs intermediate between the sex types… Continue reading Galthamar and its -verse: common human characteristics

Galthamar: an example of socially-constructed race

As I have discussed in recent posts, I’m world building with just one highly variable human species, instead of absolutely separate races in the standard DnD mode. But I still have a bit of a soft spot for the traditional sub-Tolkien archetypes and a few years ago it occurred to me that I could recast… Continue reading Galthamar: an example of socially-constructed race

Socially constructed race

In this post, I’m going to lay out some principles for world building without essentialism in race. This starts to put into action some of the things I’ve worked out in other recent posts (signposted here). In future posts, I think I will set out a specific society following these principles, and showing an idea… Continue reading Socially constructed race


I’ve touched on this in recent posts, but I want to explain what I mean by ‘essentialism’ as an approach to race. It is a very dated idea that I think most people now understand doesn’t reflect the real world, but it was prevalent in the British Empire (and other colonial societies), baked into the… Continue reading Essentialism

Race in fantasy: signpost

Race has been an issue in fantasy world-building and gaming for a while now. Since the beginning really, but it has been a slow burner in terms of how much attention most gamers have paid to it (as a topic of discussion rather than just as a box to fill on the character sheet).  I’ve… Continue reading Race in fantasy: signpost

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Racial mixing vs separation

In this post (part of a series on race in fantasy), I will discuss the logic of what happens if different fantasy races can interbreed, and what world building options are therefore open to a logical world-builder. Two disclaimers before I get into this: I am talking about biological heredity: what modern science calls genes… Continue reading Racial mixing vs separation